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List of Cuban Baby Boys Name

List of Cuban Baby Boys Name

Here You can get List of Cuban baby boys name.You can apply these names.If you think of Cuban baby names, certain names may come to mind.Maritsa, Marisol, Juan, & Roberto – However, there are so many others who are also great. We have provided you with great Cuban baby name, derivatives, as well as some nicknames below. Because we understand that when it comes to your baby is going to do just the best.

If you are looking for a baby name that is not just run-of-the-mill or a name that every other little girl seems to have, then you have definitely come to the right place. We have terrible baby names for your beautiful baby or boy. When I looked at names for my children, what I wanted most was a comprehensive list of horrible baby names that were not the usual.

List of Cuban Baby Boys Name

Cuban Baby Boys Name

M Abelardo noble; resolute Spanish
F Acindina safe Greek
F Adalcira Ada + Alcira Spanish
M Adolfo noble wolf Spanish
F Adoncia sweet Spanish
F Aganetha pure Greek
F Agathe good and kind Greek
F Agnelia pure Greek
F Alazne miracle Spanish
F Aleesha truthful; noble Greek
M Alejándro defender of mankind Spanish
F Aleja defender of mankind Spanish
F Aletha truth Greek
F Alexanderia defender of mankind Greek
F Aleyda of the goddess Athena Greek
F Allita the earth Greek
F Alondra defender of mankind Spanish
M Alonza noble and eager Spanish
F Alysa rational Greek
F Amada beloved Spanish
M Amador loves God Spanish
F Amara eternally beautiful Greek
F Amrita beloved; loving Spanish
F Analena gracious Spanish
F Andreina courageous Greek
F Andria courageous Greek
F Aneesha pure Greek
F Anesia pure Greek
F Angel angel; messenger Greek
F Angella angel; messenger Greek
F Antania flourishing Greek
F Antifona different complexion Greek
M Anton praiseworthy Spanish
F Antonina flourishing Greek
F Ariesa god of war Greek
M Arlo fortified hill Spanish
F Artemela goddess of the hunt Greek
M Artemio gift of goddess Artemis Spanish
F Aspasia welcome Greek
F Atala young Greek
F Athena goddess of wisdom Greek
M Audacto bold Latin
M Badilón courageous Spanish
M Basilio royal; kingly Greek
F Belarmina beautiful armor Spanish
M Bembé prophet Spanish
F Benita blessed Spanish
M Bernbe son of the missionary Spanish
M Bibiano small man Spanish
M Bonifacio does good deeds Spanish
F Cailida adoring Spanish
M Calisto most beautiful Greek
F Cancianila of Anzio, Italy Spanish
M Carlito Carl’s town Spanish
F Castora brilliant Spanish
M Cedro strong gift Spanish
M Ché God will add Spanish
F Charo beauty flower Spanish
M Chaves popular surname Spanish
M Cheche God will add Spanish
M Chepe God will add Spanish
M Chumo twin Spanish
M Cisco from France Spanish
F Clarita clear and bright Spanish
M Cleto chosen to fight Greek
F Concepcion Immaculate Conception Spanish
M Cordaro little lamb Spanish
F Coro chorus Spanish
F Damasia of the Adriatic Sea Spanish
M Decarlos prefix De + Carlos Spanish
F Delfia dolphin Spanish
M Desiderio desired Spanish
F Diega supplanter Spanish
M Duardo prosperous guardian Spanish
F Edelira noble heritage Spanish
M Edmundo prosperous protector Spanish
M Eladio from Greece Greek
F Elisa consecrated to God Spanish
M Elon noble and eager Spanish
M Emeterio deserves affection Greek
F Enricua ruler Spanish
M Epifanio shines brightly Greek
M Ermano noble soldier Spanish
M Espartaco gardener Greek
F Estefania crowned with laurels Spanish
M Eterio pure as heaven Greek
M Eudendro forest of many trees Greek
M Eufrasio uses words well Greek
M Eumenio favorable; opportune Greek
M Euquerio sure handed Greek
M Eustorgio well loved Greek
M Euxenio born into nobility Greek
M Evaristo excellent one Greek
F Ezmeralda bright green gemstone Spanish
M Fanuco free Spanish
M Federico peaceful ruler Spanish
M Fernán daring; adventurous Spanish
M Filiberto brilliant Spanish
F Floramaria flower of Mary Spanish
M Floriano flowering Spanish