During a visit to EW’s San Diego Comic-Con video studio on Friday, the Avengers: Endgame directors Anthony and Joe Russo discussed a shocking storyline that they once wanted to include in the film. Later in the film, the 2014 version of Thanos (Josh Brolin) would have massacred all the Avengers and then come to the present and throw the severed head of Captain America (Chris Evans) at the feet of our heroes.
“We clung to this act for so long just for the moment Thanos went through a portal and dropped Captain America’s head,” Anthony said.
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Joe added, “With the exception of the third act, most of the script was in the works as Anthony and I stuck to this concept of Thanos going to the Avengers and throwing Captain America’s head on the floor. We could not give it up and finally said, “Okay, what if we do not, can we find another way into the third act?”
The brothers rejected the idea that the phrase was too dark, and Anthony pointed out, “Thanos is a tough guy.”
To learn more about Avengers: Endgame and specifically about trying to give Evans a false beard, watch the video above.