League of Legends Tier List Nerfplz: When it comes to mastering the Rift, knowing which champions dominate the meta is essential for success. In every patch, buffs, nerfs, and changes significantly shift champion viability, creating opportunities for players to climb the ranked ladder or flex their skills in normal games. Based on recent patch notes and competitive trends, here is the Nerfplz tier list breakdown for the current patch in League of Legends.
Lol Tier List Nerfplz
Tier List Categories
Champions are categorized into tiers based on their performance, win rates, and popularity:
- S-Tier: Overpowered picks dominating the meta. These champions perform exceptionally well across all skill levels and often dictate the game’s flow.
- A-Tier: Strong picks with consistent performance. While not as dominant as S-tier champions, these are reliable choices in most situations.
- B-Tier: Balanced champions that require proper skill and situational awareness. Effective, but not overly dominant.
- C-Tier: Niche picks or champions with lower win rates. These champions are often matchup-dependent or require specialized playstyles.
- D-Tier: Underpowered champions struggling in the current meta. These picks may need buffs or patches to become viable again.
Top Lane Tier List
- Darius: With incredible dueling power and the ability to snowball through early kills, Darius remains one of the strongest top laners in solo queue.
- Fiora: A staple pick for split-pushing and outplaying opponents with her scaling and mobility.
- Kled: Exceptional laning phase and all-in potential make him a dangerous opponent in the top lane.
- Camille: Versatile in laning and teamfights, Camille’s scaling and adaptability keep her a strong pick.
- Malphite: A reliable tank with crowd control and anti-AD scaling, perfect for shutting down physical damage compositions.
Jungle Tier List
- Evelynn: Lethal in the right hands, Evelynn’s stealth and burst damage make her an oppressive force in solo queue.
- Maokai: A tanky disruptor with strong ganking potential and teamfight utility.
- Udyr: With multiple viable builds (AP or tank), Udyr’s flexibility and clear speed keep him at the top.
- Vi: A consistent pick with strong early game ganks and excellent initiation in teamfights.
- Graves: High damage and sustain with great scaling potential into late game.
Mid Lane Tier List
- Kassadin: A late-game monster that scales hard and counters many mid-lane mages.
- Zed: High burst and snowball potential in the right hands make Zed an assassin of choice.
- Anivia: Strong wave clear, zoning potential, and teamfight dominance keep Anivia high on the tier list.
- Ahri: A safe and consistent mid-lane pick with great mobility and pick potential.
- Swain: A reliable option for tanky teamfight presence and sustain.
Bot Lane (ADC) Tier List
- Jhin: With powerful poke and crowd control, Jhin dominates both the laning phase and teamfights.
- Kai’Sa: Versatile builds and late-game carry potential make her a reliable pick.
- Miss Fortune: Strong laning phase and impactful AoE ultimate keep her relevant.
- Aphelios: A high-skill champion with immense damage potential in teamfights.
- Draven: A snowballing machine capable of dominating games if he gets early kills.
Support Tier List
- Nautilus: A tanky, crowd-control-heavy support who can dominate both laning phase and teamfights.
- Lulu: A fantastic enchanter for protecting hyper-carries like Kai’Sa and Jinx.
- Thresh: Exceptional utility with hooks, lanterns, and peel capabilities.
- Soraka: A healing powerhouse with excellent sustain and silence potential.
- Rakan: Great mobility and engage potential make him a strong pick for playmaking.
Key Trends and Observations
Buffed Champions Rising in the Ranks
Recent buffs have boosted the performance of champions like Maokai, Ahri, and Kog’Maw, who now hold solid places in the A and S tiers.
Nerfed Champions Falling Off
Nerfs to Azir and Yuumi have reduced their win rates significantly, dropping them to B or C tier. These champions may still be situationally viable but are no longer reliable picks for climbing.
Meta Shifts
The current meta heavily favors champions with strong early-game pressure and teamfight potential. Burst assassins, AoE teamfight champions, and tanky frontliners are particularly dominant in this patch.
Final Thoughts
The Nerfplz tier list offers a snapshot of the current meta, helping players understand which champions are worth prioritizing. While this tier list is a guide, individual skill and game knowledge are still the most critical factors for climbing in League of Legends. Remember to adapt your picks based on team composition, matchups, and personal comfort with champions. Good luck on the Rift!