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List of Italian Baby Boys Name

List of Italian Baby Boys Name

List of Italian Baby Boys Name

You can see  Italian baby boys name. If you are looking for Italian baby names, then you have come to the right place. Italian names come from a country full of traditions and rich history. We wanted to celebrate this culture by compiling a comprehensive list of really special names.

I have three children of myself – and I can remember what fun it was to pick their names and discuss them in detail (okay, ARGUE in length) about them. I also remember a bit concerned that the names would remain for life, so I wanted to be really great.

List of Italian Baby Boys Name

Italian Baby Boys

M/F Italian Boy Name Meanings Meaning of Name Origin
M Abele herdsman Italian
M Abramo father of many nations Italian
M Achille either pain or lipless Italian
M Adalberto bright nobility Italian
M Adalfieri noble oath Italian
M Adamo earth or mankind Italian
M Adolfo noble wolf Italian
M Adriano from Hadria Italian
M Agapeto beloved one Italian
M Agapito beloved one Italian
M Agostino venerable Italian
M Alberto bright nobility Italian
M Aldo name of origin; noble Italian
M Alessandro defender of mankind Italian
M Alessio defender of mankind Italian
M Alfeo changing Italian
M Alfonso noble and eager Italian
M Alfredo wise counselor Italian
M Alonzo noble and ready Italian
M Alphonso noble and ready Italian
M Alvise famous warrior Italian
M Amadeo to love God Italian
M Amando lovable Italian
M Amato beloved one Italian
M Ambrogino little immortal one Italian
M Ambrogio immortal Italian
M Amedeo to love God Italian
M Ameplio vine Italian
M Amerigo industrious Italian
M Ampelio vine Italian
M Anacleto called to return again Italian
M Anastagio resurrection Italian
M Anastasio resurrection Italian
M Anatolio east and sunrise Italian
M Andrea manly warrior Italian
M Angelo angel messenger Italian
M Anjelo heavenly messenger; angel Italian
M Anselmo having God’s protection Italian
M Antonello praiseworthy Italian
M Antonino invaluable Italian
M Antonio praiseworthy Italian
M Arcangelo heavenly messenger Italian
M Arduino hardy friend Italian
M Armando bold or hardy man Italian
M Armanno soldier Italian
M Arnaldo eagle power Italian
M Aroldo army leader Italian
M Arrigo industrious Italian
M Arsenio virile Italian
M Arturo noble, lofty hill Italian
M Attilio little father Italian
M Augusto venerable Italian
M Aurelio golden Italian
M Baldassare Ba’al protect the king Italian
M Baldovino brave friend Italian
M Bartolo son of Talmai Italian
M Bartolomeo son of Talmai Italian
M Bartolommeo son of Talmai Italian
M Basilio king Italian
M Battista baptist Italian
M Belveder beautiful Italian
M Benedetto blessed Italian
M Beniamino son of the south Italian
M Benigno kind Italian
M Benito God has built Italian
M Benvenuto welcome Italian
M Beppe God will add another son Italian
M Bernardino bold as a bear Italian
M Bernardo bold as a bear Italian
M Bertoldo bright ruler Italian
M Bertrando bright raven Italian
M Bettino blessed Italian
M Biaggio talks with a lisp Italian
M Biagino talks with a lisp Italian
M Biagio talks with a lisp Italian
M Callisto most beautiful Italian
M Calogero beautiful elder Italian
M Calvino little bald one Italian
M Camillo temple attendant Italian
M Carlo farmer Italian
M Carlos farmer Italian
M Casmiro famous or great destroyer Italian
M Celestino heavenly Italian
M Celio heaven Italian
M Cencio victorious Italian
M Cesarino hairy Italian
M Ciriaco of the lord Italian
M Cirilo lordly Italian
M Ciro like the sun Italian
M Clemente gentle and merciful Italian
M Colombano dove Italian
M Concetto conception Italian
M Corradeo bold Italian
M Cosimo order and beauty Italian
M Costantino steadfast Italian
M Cristiano follower of Christ Italian
M Croccifixio crucifix or way of the cross Italian
M Cross crucifix or way of the cross Italian
M Dante steadfast Italian
M Davide beloved Italian
M Desi longing Italian
M Dezi longing Italian
M Domenico belongs to the lord Italian
M Donato given by God Italian
M Drago dragon Italian
M Durante steadfast Italian
M Edoardo guardian of prosperity Italian
M Egdio kid young goat Italian
M Elia the Lord is my God Italian
M Eliodoro gift of the sun Italian
M Elmo helmet protection Italian
M Emanuele God is with us Italian
M Emilio rival Italian
M Enrico home-ruler Italian
M Ercole glory of Hera Italian
M Ermete of the earth Italian
M Ernesto battle to the death Italian
M Ettore defend; hold fast Italian
M Eusebio pious Italian
M Eustorgio content Italian
M Ezzelin little noble one Italian
M Fabio bean farmer Italian
M Fabrizio craftsman Italian
M Faustino lucky, fortunate Italian
M Fazio good worker Italian
M Federico peaceful ruler Italian
M Felice lucky Italian
M Felippo lover of horses Italian
M Ferruccio little iron one Italian
M Filipo lover of horses Italian
M Fillipo lover of horses Italian
M Fiorenzo blossoming Italian
M Flavio blond, yellow-haired Italian
M Florentino flowering Italian
M Fons noble and ready Italian
M Fonz noble and ready Italian
M Fortino fortunate, lucky Italian
M Francesco free Italian
M Frediano cold Italian
M Fulvio yellow Italian
M Gaetan from Gaeta, Italy Italian
M Gaetano from Caieta, Italy Italian
M Gasparo treasure bearer Italian
M Gavino of Gabium Italian
M Gennaro born in January Italian
M Genovese from Genoa, Italy Italian
M Geovani God is gracious Italian
M Gerardo spear brave Italian
M Gerolamo holy name Italian
M Gervasio spear servant Italian
M Giacomo supplanter Italian
M Giampaolo God is gracious Italian
M Gian God is gracious Italian
M Giancinto hyacinth flower Italian
M Gianluca Gianni + Luca Italian
M Gianmarco Gianni + Marco Italian
M Gianni God is gracious Italian
M Gianpaolo Gianni + Paolo Italian
M Gianpiero Gianni + Piero Italian
M Gioacchino established by God Italian
M Giona dove Italian
M Giorgino little earth-worker Italian
M Giosia God is my salvation Italian
M Giotto divinely peaceful Italian
M Giovanni God is gracious Italian
M Girolamo holy name Italian
M Giulio youthful, downy bearded Italian
M Giustino just, righteous Italian
M Graziano pleasing agreeable Italian
M Gregorio vigilant watchman Italian
M Guerino protection shelter Italian
M Guido wooded valley Italian
M Hieronomo holy name Italian
M Ignazio unknowing Italian
M Innocenzo harmless or innocent Italian
M Isaia God is salvation Italian
M Jacopo supplanter Italian
M Ladislao rules with glory Italian
M Larenz crowned with a laurel Italian
M Lauro laurel Italian
M Lazaro God has helped Italian
M Leandro lion-man Italian
M Leonardo brave as a lion Italian
M Leonzio lion-like Italian
M Lerenzo crowned with laurels Italian
M Liborio free Italian
M Liugi famous warrior Italian
M Lodovico famous warrior Italian
M Lorenzo crowned with laurels Italian
M Lothario people’s warrior Italian
M Luciano bringer of light Italian
M Ludovico famous warrior Italian
M Luka bringer of light Italian
M Manlio morning Italian
M Marcelino martial, warlike Italian
M Marcello martial, warlike Italian
M Marco martial, warlike Italian
M Marino sailor of the sea Italian
M Marsalis martial, warlike Italian
M Marzio warlike Italian

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