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List of Mexican Baby Boys Name

List of Mexican Baby Boys Name

List of Mexican Baby Boys Name

Here you can get Mexican Baby Boys name and you can apply these names.Find great Mexican baby names list .because at Top 100 baby names search we have researched long and hard to give you a comprehensive list of baby names.

Listen Your baby’s name is our business, and we take it very seriously! Today we have the most extensive religious, humorous and entertaining baby name lists on the web. I have three children of mine – and I can remember what fun it was to pick their names and discuss them length. I also remember a bit concerned that the names adhere to life, so I wanted good.

List of Mexican Baby Boys Name

Mexican Baby Boys Name

M/F Mexican Babies Name Meaning of Name Origin
M Abejundio bee Spanish
F Abila skilled expert Latin
F Abrille born in April Spanish
M Acalan canoe Aztec
M Acilino like an eagle Spanish
F Adalcira Ada + Alcira Spanish
F Adana man; earth Hebrew
F Adelia noble and serene Spanish
M Adelmo noble protector Germanic
F Adolfina noble wolf English
F Afrika sunny; not cold Spanish
F Agraciana to pardon Spanish
M Agusto venerated; majestic Latin
M Alamar an adornment of alms Spanish
F Alazne miracle Spanish
M Alberto noble and bright Germanic
F Aldonza noble war; battle Spanish
F Aleja defender of mankind Spanish
M Alejandro defender of mankind Spanish
F Alfonsa noble and ready Germanic
M Alfonso noble and ready Germanic
F Almudena refers to Virgin Mary Spanish
M Alonso noble and ready Germanic
F Alta tall Spanish
F Altagracia grace of Virgin Mary Spanish
M Amancio rival; emulating Latin
F Amora love Spanish
F Amparo protected Spanish
F Anahi immaculate Persian
F Analena gracious Spanish
F Anatalia from Anatolia Greek
F Andrea strong; resolute Greek
M Andrés man; warrior Greek
F Anelina Ana + Lima Spanish
M Angilberto heavenly warrior Spanish
F Anitra gracious Spanish
M Anton praiseworthy Spanish
F Apolinaria God Apollo Greek
M Apolonio God Apollo Greek
F Aracely sky altar Latin
M Arcadio one born in Arcadia Greek
F Arely brave; courageous Hebrew
M Aristeo best Greek
F Armada armed warrior Spanish
F Armonda man in the army Germanic
M Arsenio virile Greek
F Asalia ascension Latin
F Asella ascension Latin
F Asunta ascension Spanish
M Atreo a king Greek
M Avellino uncertain French
M Azael made of God Hebrew
F Baldomera bold; famous Spanish
M Basilio kingly Latin
M Bebe baby; little one Spanish
F Begona type of flower English
F Belarmina beautiful armor Spanish
F Belia beautiful French
F Belinda beautiful serpent Latin
M Benicio to speak well of Latin
M Bertín distinguished friend Spanish
M Blasios stuttering; stammering Latin
F Bricia strong Spanish
F Briseida to bristle Greek
F Calala candelabra Spanish
M Calixto most beautiful Greek
F Cancianila of Anzio; Italy Spanish
F Caparina regarding the goat Spanish
M Carlos free man German
F Carmen garden; orchard Hebrew
F Castel to the castle Spanish
M Catarino pure Greek
F Celadonia swallow; bird Latin
M Cezar long-haired child Latin
M Chago supplanter Spanish
F Chela consolation Spanish
M Chenche conqueror Spanish
M Chilo from France Spanish
M Cid lord Spanish
F Clarita clear and bright Spanish
M Clodoveo famous warrior Spanish
F Concelia the Immaculate Conception Spanish
M Conrado experienced advisor Germanic
F Consuela consolation Spanish
M Cordero lamb Spanish
F Crescensia to grow Latin
M Crisóstomo mouth of the Cross Greek
M Damario calf Greek
F Damasia of the Adriatic sea Spanish
M Dasio landowner Latin
M Decarlos prefix De + Carlos Spanish
M Decoroso practical Latin
F Deina religious holiday Spanish
M Democles glory of his people Greek
F Denis follower of Dionysus Spanish
M Deocaro loved by God Latin
M Dexter dexterous; adroit Latin
F Dinora judged Hebrew
M Dionisio follower of Dionysus Greek
F Dita truth and pure Spanish

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