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List of Montessori schools in Angola

List of Montessori schools in Angola

List of Montessori schools in Angola

We have a list of Montessori schools in Angola these schools have levels of education and best study standards.In these schools teacher have educated.Parents have no time so parents want their kids study in these schools.These are pre-schools for kids.

Public schools in Angola do not usually have the best level and accommodations await a parent for his child, but if money is no problem, there are some really good private schools, most of them in Luanda.

All expat schools in Luanda are supported by the company and messages they founded. The teaching is very high (up to $ 40,000 per year) and is usually paid by the use of company. Expats moving to Angola with school-age children must take care that a fee for the training is included in their contract.

Angolan law requires international schools, to ensure that both expats and local students (usually children of high government officials) are to be applied allows. Security is very tight at all schools, so security should not be a problem.

Some schools give preference to children of employees of their sponsoring companies and expats should contact their company representatives to ask what schools sponsored or recommended by their companies.

As a result of the limited number of schools for expat children and other limits on the number of students per class, all schools have waiting lists, sometimes as long as two years. Expats should not accept an assignment to Luanda without getting first in the school of their choice for their child assurance of a room.

Montessori schools in Angola

  • Luanda International School
  • Carlin Park Elementary School
  • English School Community of Luanda Angola
  • Lycee Francais de Luanda
  • Hendry Park Elementary School

List of Montessori schools in Angola


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