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List of Nursery Rhymes for Kids

List of Nursery Rhymes for Kids

Here you can see List of Nursery Rhymes for Kids.Nursery Rhymes are must know for every mother to teach their babies and they are not too much difficult to learn as lots of ladies find it difficult and hard that how can we learn the Rhymes and teach their babies. Nursery Rhymes can be taught to babies before they go to school so they have a little bit knowledge and build an ability to remember. Babies like these Rhymes and they sing it and enjoy too much. Here is the List of some very interesting and easy to learn Nursery Rhymes given below.

Nursery Rhymes for Kids

Nursery Rhymes for Kids

A  Sailor Went To Sea

A  Sailor Went To Sea, Sea, Sea

To See What He Could See, See, See

But All That He Could See, See, See

Was the bottom of the deep blue sea, sea sea


A sailor went to knee, knee, knee

To see what he could knee, knee, knee

But all men could knee, knee, knee

Was the button of the deep blue knee, knee, knee


A sailor went to chop, chop, chop

To see what he could chop, chop, chop

But all he could chop, chop, chop

Was the bottom of the dark blue chop, chop, chop


A Tisket A Tasket

A Tisket A Tasket

A yellow-green Basket

I wrote a letter to my love

And on the way, I dropped it

I dropped it

I dropped it

Yes, on the way I dropped it

A little boy he picked it up

And put it in his pocket


A wise old owl

A wise old owl lived in an oak

The more he saw the less he spoke

The less he spoke the more he heard

Why can’t we all be like that wise old bird

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