List of Social Events in Italy
We have list of Social Events in Italy for you. Italy for a number of years had been regarded as the land of delicacy, valor , taste and spirit to celebrate the life in all the field and this spirit of Italian make a number of festivals and occasion for them to celebrate themselves and make their country a land of peace and prosperity.
Social events or festivals show the culture of that particular country and create a healthy impact on the economic growth of that country.
The most popular events to be conducted in the Italy
- Epiphany and Befana
- Festa Della Sensa
- L’Ardia di San Constantino
- Festival Del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino
- Fiesta di San Marco
- Festa Della Madonna Bruna
- Game of the Bridge
- Corsa Dei Ser
- Venice International Film Festival
- Festino di Santa Rosalia